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Robert Colee
May 30, 20234 min read
The Multi-Purpose Man: Beyond Jar Openers and Shelf Reachers!
Model: Default (GPT-3.5) Write a humorous article about why women keep men around besides opening jars, reaching for high items on shelf,...
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Robert Colee
May 30, 202321 min read
Human mating is a complex phenomenon that involves many factors, including biology, culture, and
Write a book about human mating, Key words: reproduction, cultural, female choices, male choices, biology, sex, religion, culture, mores,...
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Robert Colee
May 30, 20237 min read
Assume that human perceived reality is a simulation composed of frequency, vibration, energy,
Assume that human perceived reality is a simulation composed of frequency, vibration, energy, creation, love, harmony, multid ChatGPT ...
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